Fantasy Tools

Easy to-play-fantasy

Only Pros (educated) users were using these tools (own), but now they are available for all for FREE.

Game Plan

Fantasy Investment Planner

This tool provides a general idea for your upcoming investment plan.

Fantasy Goal Planning

To achieve your goal, this tool provides a basic idea.

Loss Free Investment strategy

Our Loss-Free Fantasy Calculator estimates the number of contests needed to win to become Loss-Free and Stress-Free.


Commission Calculator

Use the commission calculator to calculate the FANTASY commission of your favorite contests

Profit / Loss Calculator

Our tool helps you to estimate how much your profit/loss is based on the number of contests you win and total number of contests.


Fantasy Investment Manager

Use the INVESTMENT MANAGER to track your daily investment(TOTAL PROFIT/LOSS). It is easy to use.

Legal & Tax Calculators

Fantasy GST Calculator

Use our calculator to calculate govt. 28% GST.

Fantasy TDS Calculator

Want to know how much TDS you are paying to government and withdrawal after TDS on your withdrawal.