Profit / Loss Calculator
Our tool helps you to estimate how much your profit/loss is based on the number of contests you win and total number of contests.
Note- This tool only applies to contests with a single winner taking the entire prize pool. Contests like H2H, Winner Takes All, etc.
About Fantasy Profit/Loss Calculator
What is the Fantasy Profit/Loss Calculator?
The Fantasy Profit/Loss Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed for fantasy sports enthusiasts. It helps calculate the profit or loss of your completed matches and also allows you to estimate how much profit or loss you may incur if you win a specific number of contests.
How to use the Fantasy Profit/Loss Calculator?
To use the Fantasy Goal Planning tool on, you will need to provide specific details such as your expected profit, the entry fee, the prize pool, the number of matches to be played, and the expected winning rate. Once you have entered these details, you can click on the “Plan My Goal” button.
After this, the planner will generate a customized goal plan that includes important details such as the total investment amount required, the contests you need to join or match, and the total number of contests you will join throughout the plan.